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“Accessible Culture” programme at the State Museum at Majdanek

The State Museum at Majdanek took part in the “Accessible Culture” programme of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage for the third time. This year, 101 groups of primary and secondary school students from all over Poland participated in the free museum lessons organized by the Majdanek Museum and Memorial Site in Bełżec.

As part of the course, the participants learned about the area of ​​the former German Nazi concentration camp at Majdanek, they watched exhibitions of the State Museum at Majdanek and got acquainted with materials that gave them a closer look not only at the camp's space, but also at the biographies of people connected with KL Lublin. Photographs, diaries and films are only a part of the sources on the basis of which young people could get acquainted step by step with the profiles of selected prisoners, or try to analyze the motives of the criminals.

“Accessible Culture” is a program financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, which aim is to reduce barriers to access to culture and to create the need to participate in it.

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