Cooperation between the State Museum at Majdanek and the Provincial Police Headquarters in Lublin
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The State Museum at Majdanek and the Provincial Police Headquarters in Lublin established long-term cooperation which aims at organisation of historical and educational seminars for police officers of the Lublin garrison. The seminars will be devoted to the perpetrators of the Second World War.
On May 5, 2015, human rights leaders and press officers of the Lublin police garrison were the first group which took part in the workshop “Perpetrators of Majdanek. Common people or fanatic murderers?” The workshop participants had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the history of KL Lublin and extend their knowledge of psychology concerning perpetrators and crimes committed for ideological, racial and xenophobic reasons. The question why common people commit mass murders provoked intense discussion which was not limited to historical issues. The participants addressed the current problem of offences motivated by hate speech and contemporary racism.
Education seminars concerning perpetrators, offered by the State Museum at Majdanek are the great opportunity for reflection upon modern crime prevention and counteracting hate crimes.
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