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The Museum and Memorial in Bełżec received constant interest from visitors in 2021. Among them there were students from primary and secondary schools, residents of various regions of Poland, as well as some guests from abroad.

The youth constituted around 40% of over 23,000 visitors. Although the first half of 2021 was affected by several weeks of closure and the limitation of the Museum’s activities to the online forms exclusively, the interest in the educational offer was significant. In the previous year, we organised 99 museum lessons, which were attended by around 2,000 students. The students that participated in these classes were mostly from the Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Mazowieckie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, and Dolnośląskie Voivodeships.

The opening of the research and education facility of the Museum and Memorial in Bełżec was a particularly important event. It is located in the renovated building that once housed the offices of the Bełżec extermination camp commandant. Adaptation of the building and the redevelopment of its interior have resulted in numerous improvements in conducting various educational activities.

Temporary exhibitions were also among the forms of popularising the camp’s history. On March 17th - the anniversary of the beginning of mass deportations to Bełżec, we presented the exhibition "Every Victim Has a Name" with a new layout. This exhibition is dedicated to several stories of the camp’s victims. The other exhibition, entitled "The German extermination camp in Bełżec. History and relics" was presented at the Władysław Broniewski Municipal Public Library in Lubaczów and at the Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews in World War II in Markowa. Another special event was the sculpture exhibition "The Image of Treblinka in the Eyes of Samuel Willenberg." It was prepared by the Institute of National Remembrance. The opening and historical workshops were attended by students and teachers from the Bernard Morando State High School of Fine Arts in Zamość.

Various courses and educational seminars for teachers, educators, and tour guides were organised last year. One of them was the 4th edition of the "History-Education-Memory" seminar, the aim of which was to present selected issues connected with the period of World War II. Teachers from France visited the Museum and Memorial in Bełżec once again, and in autumn, we organised a training course for educators from Israel and the USA. For the last several years, the Museum and Memorial in Bełżec have been invariably commemorating the extermination of the Roma community through educational events. In 2021, we organised an international seminar in cooperation with the Foundation Towards Dialogue, the Terezín Initiative Institute, Milan Šimečka Foundation, and Centropa.

The final event, which simultaneously announced the next year’s activities, included a seminar dedicated to the topography and infrastructure of the "Einsatz Reinhardt" camps.

In 2022, we encourage everyone to follow the announcements and to participate in commemorative and educational events organised in recognition of the 80th anniversary of operation “Reinhardt.”

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