Exhibition “Res non humana – an inhuman thing. German occupation of Zamość region 1939-1944” in Łaszczów.
The exhibition ‘Res non humana – an inhuman thing. German occupation of Zamość region 1939-1944’ in the Stanisław Kostka Starowieyski Secondary School in Łaszczów.
At the opening of the exhibition students from two classes have listened to a lecture German occupation of the Zamość region 1939-1944. Selected issues and were shown around the exhibition by the co-author of the script and the curator of the exhibition – Jarosław Joniec.
The exhibition presents the most important issues related to the German occupation of Zamość region in the period from the September 1939 to July 1944. The exhibition presents some of not published or not widely known photographs, including photographs from foreign archives and private collections. Most of the documentary materials come from the National Archive in Zamość and the collections of the museums of Zamość region, made accessible due to politeness of the employees of this institution.