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“From memory of places to the pedagogy of remembrance”

There is still a need to reflect upon the purpose and methods of educational processes organised in memorial sites of World War II. To create a forum for international dialogue on this matter a seminar “From memory of places to the pedagogy of remembrance“ for educational project leaders that starts today in the Museum and Memorial in Sobibór.

In the meeting presenting the educational potential of the newly opened Museum in Sobibór and the concept of the pedagogy of remembrance take part coordinators of educational projects from the Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia and Poland. During the discussions, presentations and workshops held between August 31 and September 2 the exchange of experiences, postulates and needs will determine a detailed range of common issues. We offer our partners a joint development of ideas for the optimal use of the educational potential of this memorial.



Hosts and Guests introduction

Visiting the area of the former death camp – guided tour (Łukasz Kukawski)

Curatorial guided tour of the main exhibition in Sobibór (Tomasz Kranz)

Discussion – sharing impressions (moderator: Aleksandra Skrabek)


State Museum at Majdanek and its branches – presentation (Agnieszka Kowalczyk-Nowak)

The Pedagogy of remembrance in educational projects – presentation (Ewa Koper)

Einsatz Reinhardt – lecture; questions (Jakub Chmielewski)

Discovering the heritage – visiting the Synagogue, the Church and the Orthodox Church in Włodawa


Workshops in three groups: restoring identity to the victims, trains to death – extermination logistics, transformed landscape – the place after the camp (Lech Remiszewski, Łukasz Kukawski, Marek Duda)

Discussion: expectations of future cooperation, ideas for their implementation, comments (Magdalena Czelej)


