Joint learning and commemorating the past
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On March 19 and 20, a group of German teenagers from Gesamtschule in Schermbeck, together with the Polish teenagers from High School no. 5 in Lublin, took part in the educational project devoted to the history of the KL Lublin that was held at the State Museum at Majdanek.
On the first day, the group visited the camp site and museum exhibitions. In the afternoon, the young people had the opportunity to meet a former prisoner of KL Lublin, Stanisława Kruszewska, and listen to her memories concerning arrestments, deportations and stay in the camp.
On the second day, participants were divided into smaller Polish-German groups to work on the chosen topics concerning the history of KL Lublin – fate of the children in the concentration camp at Majdanek, escape from the camp, living conditions in KL Lublin and "Aktion Erntefest" – mass execution of Jewish Majdanek prisoners . The students have broaden their knowledge of history based on a variety of historical and educational materials, such as copies of documents, memories of prisoners, popular science studies.
The project ended with the presentation of the results of joint work and reflections on caring for the memory of the past tragic events.
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