Launch of "Niemiecki obóz zagłady w Bełżcu. Zarys historii"
On 7 December 2016, a book launch of "Niemiecki obóz zagłady w Bełżcu. Zarys historii" took place in the Tomaszów Lubelski Branch of Pedagogic Library in Zamość.
The meeting was hosted by Anna Pitura, head of the Library in Tomaszów Lubelski, and Mirosław Tereszczuk, chairman of the Janusz Peter Tomaszów Regional Association. The publication was decribed by its author - Jarosław Joniec from the Museum - Memorial Site in Bełżec. He held also a lecture on the history of the German death camp in Bełżec.
The book is a compendium of information about the history of the German death camp in Bełżec. It discusses some major aspects of camp functioning and includes information on deprotations, prisoners and perpetrators, as well as extermination mechanisms. The text is accompanied with archival photographs and maps.