Museum and memorial in Sobibór and Bełżec REOPENING
We are pleased to announce that on May 5 the Museum and Memorial in Sobibór and the Museum and Memorial in Bełżec will become again available to visitors.
We invite only the individual visitors (excluding families) to explore the museum’s grounds, exhibitions, and historic buildings.
During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the grounds, exhibitions, and historic buildings of the State Museum at Majdanek and its branch in Bełżec are available in accordance with strict sanitary regulations that ensure the safety of both the visitors and the employees of the museum.
We require the visitors to obey the basic safety principles. Every visitor is obliged to cover their nose and their mouth, as well as to keep the minimum 1,5-metre distance from others. In enclosed spaces maximum one person per 15 m2 is allowed.
In the present circumstances, we are forced to introduce a limit of visitors that can be simultaneously present inside the objects housing exhibitions, and the visitor service centres. The detailed information concerning the admission restrictions is available at the entrance to particular structures.
We resume the functioning of information centres and distribution points. We request all our visitors to conduct the purchases in the bookstores with the use of cashless methods of payment, if possible.
In addition, we inform that the guided tours, classes, and other educational activities are temporarily suspended until further notice.