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New education facility at the Bełżec Museum

Seminars, study stays, and workshops – activities for various groups of recipients will be held in the education facility of the Museum and Memorial in Bełżec that has just been presented to the public and media representatives.

The new education facility is located in the building, which historically housed the offices of the Bełżec extermination camp commandant. The place became the property of the State Museum at Majdanek and in the years 2019–2020 was subjected to intense renovation and construction works. The facility includes a lecture hall, and several workshop rooms specially adjusted to working with archival materials. The building is equipped with modern technology facilitating the use of multimedia in the educational workshops.

- All standards regarding the needs of people with disabilities have been met. The building’s equipped with a wheelchair ramp, specially adjusted restrooms, and an elevator. As a structure entered into the municipal register of monuments, the building’s shape could not be changed. Altering it, however, was not our intention, as we wanted to preserve its historical authenticity – explained Grzegorz Plewik, the Deputy Director of the State Museum at Majdanek.

- The building will provide the educational space for the groups visiting the Museum and Memorial in Bełżec. Study stays, workshops, and seminars will be held inside, but in the future, we are also planning to install an outdoor exhibition in the direct vicinity of the building – added Tomasz Hanejko, head of the Museum and Memorial in Bełżec.

The parcel acquired by the museum also includes modern parking spaces, walkways, and a special shelter for the groups visiting the site.

The first session inaugurating the launch of the new education facility in Bełżec, entitled “Modern Communication of Remembrance and the World War II Heritage. The Employment of Social Media and Multimedia in the Activity of the State Museum at Majdanek” is addressed to the employees of various museum departments. The event is a part of a long-term training programme: “Museum in Action,” that aims to improve the skills of our staff, and, as a result, to pursue the goals forming the foundation of our institution more effectively.

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