Just before the very end of 2022, we hand to our readers two publications: “Majdanek. Obóz koncentracyjny w relacjach więźniów i świadków” [Majdanek. Concentration Camp in the Survivors' and Witnesses' Testimonies] and “Architektura nazistowskich obozów zagłady w Bełżcu, Sobiborze i Treblince” [The Architecture of the Nazi Death Camps in Bełżec, Sobibór, and Treblinka].
The first publication is a continuation of the 52-fragment anthology of testimonies and memoirs in a new, minimalistic layout. The important elements of the book include the interview recordings with the former prisoners, audio recordings, and videos which the readers can find on the dedicated website after scanning the QR code imprinted on the cover.
The second title, published in Polish for the first time, is a monograph by a German art historian ,Annika Wienert. It fills a significant gap in the historiography of the Holocaust. It is a summary of the author’s pioneering research on the topography, spatial organisation and development of the Nazi extermination camps established in Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka as part of the operation codenamed “Einsatz Reinhardt.” At the same time, based on a thorough analysis of the survivors’ testimonies, iconographic sources, and other historical documents, it is also an attempt to take a comprehensive look at the realities and functioning mechanisms of those extermination camps, where the Germans murdered approximately 1,500,000 Jewish women, children, and men between 1942 and 1943. An important thread of this book regards the reflection on the importance and impact of visual media in forming collective perceptions of the Holocaust.