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On 28 April, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic, Jakub Karfik, PhD, met with Danuta Olesiuk, the Deputy Director of PMM. After the conversation concerning, i.e. the international theatrical project “Lustig Train – Freedom Train 2015”, the ambassador visited the museum archive where he looked into the Death Book of 1942 and then he visited the museum exhibitions and historical buildings.
The “Lustig Train - Freedom Train 2015” is to arrive in six European countries to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the End of WWII. The stage adaptation of Arnošt Lustig and Petr Kracik, “A Prayer for Katarzyna Horovitz”, is an integral part of the project. It reminds us of the fate of the victims in the organised transportation in Europe within the framework of the so-called Final Solution to the Jewish Question.
The project inauguration will take place on 18 June 2015 at the railway station in the city ofBohušovice nad Ohří /Terezin/. The train will stop in the following cities: Děčín, Dresden, Weimar/Buchenwald/, Berlin, Lódź, Warszawa, Lublin/Majdanek/, Oświęcim, Žilina, Martin, Nitra, Bratislava, Budapest, Györ, Wiedeń, Mauthausen, Český Krumlov, Tábor, Třebíč, Hlinsko, Chrudim. On 27 June, the train will arrive in Lublin.