In commemoration of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we invite teachers and students of Zamosc schools to participate in a free online lesson entitled: Zamość used to be their home as well. The fate of Zamość Jews under German occupation.
Historical debates, conferences, educational seminars, film projects, and exhibitions –events commemorating the 80th anniversary of the operation “Reinhardt” were at the centre of activities held by the State Museum at Majdanek in 2022.
Just before the very end of 2022, we hand to our readers two publications: “Majdanek. Obóz koncentracyjny w relacjach więźniów i świadków” [Majdanek. Concentration Camp in the Survivors' and Witnesses' Testimonies] and “Architektura nazistowskich obozów zagłady w Bełżcu, Sobiborze i Treblince” [The Architecture of the Nazi Death Camps in Bełżec, Sobibór, and Treblinka].
The Museum and Memorial Site in Belzec carried out a series of five meetings with inmates in penitentiaries and detention centers in the Lublin Province this fall.
The staff of the Museum and Memorial at Belzec wish you a healthy and peaceful Christmas, Hanukkah and a happy New Year 2023.
A delegation from the German Embassy in Warsaw visited the Museum and Memorial Site in Belzec on November 17.
The registration for the international academic conference entitled Operation “Reinhardt” and the Destruction of Polish Jews has just begun.
On October 26, a ceremony was held at the Belzec site to commemorate the Roma and Sinti victims of the 1940 Belzec labor camp.
The event was organized by the Belzec Museum and Memorial Site. It was attended by young people from high schools in Oleszyce and Chełmec near Nowy Sącz. During it, participants paid tribute to the murdered, at a monument built near the graves of Roma victims of the labor camp.
As part of the cooperation between the Museum and Memorial Site in Belzec and the Prison in Zamosc, on October 7 a presentation of a temporary exhibition entitled "The German Death Camp in Belzec. History and relics" took place.
As part of the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of "Aktion Reinhardt", on 03.10 the Museum and Memorial Site in Belzec opened to the public an exhibition entitled. "Poles rescuing Jews during World War II". The opening meeting was attended by representatives of local authorities, principals of schools from the Tomaszów district, as well as teachers and students.
On the 80th anniversary of operation "Reinhardt" - the mass extermination of Polish Jews conducted by Nazi Germany on the territories of occupied Poland. The State Museum at Majdanek, the emeinsam Erinnern für eine Europäische Zukunft association from Münster, and the Alter Schlachthof memorial in Düsseldorf organised a historical-educational seminar.
On the last weekend of August, Rabka Zdroj hosted a "Walk of Remembrance" organized by initiative group "Historia Rabki", during which the memory of Rabka Jews who were deported to the German Nazi extermination camp in Belzec on the last Sunday of August 1942 was commemorated.
From 5 July 2022, the visitors to the Museum and Memorial in Bełżec will be able to see the exhibition "Between Life and Death. Stories of Rescue During the Holocaust". The exhibition presents stories from twelve European countries of those who helped Jews persecuted during the Second World War and accounts from the survivors.
The youth from the 10th High School in Toruń joined in the commemoration of the National Day of Remembrance for the Victims of German Nazi Concentration and Death Camps.
On 6th June, a seminar entitled 'History - Education - Remembrance' was held - this was the fifth educational event dedicated to historians, teachers and regionalists. The meeting was held on the 18th anniversary of the opening of the Museum and Memorial Site in Bełżec, while also marking the 80th anniversary of "'Operation Reinhardt".
We are pleased to announce another debate in the series entitled: Operation "Reinhardt" - what happened in the Lublin region 80 years ago?
On June 6 we opened our new outdoor exhibition in Przemyśl. It is devoted to operation "Reinhardt". On the 80th anniversary of this mass murder programme we want to describe the historical framework of those tragic events by presenting the exhibition in several cities of Poland. Each and every of them was marked with deportations and human suffering of those persecuted by Nazi Germany during World War II.
The international academic conference “The Infrastructure of Aktion ‘Reinhardt’. Places, Sources, Research Postulates” organised by the State Museum at Majdanek concluded yesterday. Among the participants there were historians and researchers from numerous institutions and scholarly centres concerned with the history of the Holocaust and World War II.
The participants' task was to create an artwork using any technique, referring to a selected fragment of an account of deportations to the Bełżec extermination camp. The accounts were available on the website of the Museum and Memorial Site in Bełżec. Around 100 young artists from several provinces took part in the competition.
The deadline for submitting works for the competition "Deportations to the Bełżec extermination camp" had passed on 13 May.
The European commemoration of the International Museum Day includes the #ProtectTheFacts campaign organised by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, the United Nations, UNESCO, and the European Commission.
This year, the Museum and Memorial Site in Bełżec began observing the International Museum Day on May 14th-15th. On Saturday and Sunday, free guided tours through the grounds of the former death camp in Bełżec and the museum exhibition were organized.
Last weekend was marked with another edition of the "Night of Museums." This year, the events organised as a part of the nationwide campaign which aims at promoting cultural institutions were held both at the State Museum at Majdanek and at its branches in Bełżec and Sobibór. Over the weekend, nearly 1,500 people participated in our events.
This week, a seminar organised at the Museum and Memorial in Sobibór came to an end. The meeting of representatives of many museums and cultural institutions from all across Poland was an excellent opportunity to share experiences on extracurricular historical education and activities promoting various aspects of history. The event was held as part of the 80th anniversary of operation “Reinhardt” organised by the State Museum at Majdanek.